Monday, September 22, 2008

First Report- Jeremiah

So far Kat and I have collectively been to Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Kolkata. Kat spent her first day in Hong Kong and loved it! But I'll let her tell more about that herself. I spent that same day in Bangkok - and I really have to say that Thailand is amazing. I thought it would be over-touristy but it was great. The Thai people are so kind and helpful and the weather's not too bad either. Right now Kat and I are in Kolkata and it's defintely been a memorable experience. We stayed in a hovel...I mean hotel...for only $6. The food has been excellent and we even managed to find a beer. We visited Mother Theresea's tomb today near the train station that we'll be departing for Darhjeeling. Right now we have train tickets to Darhjeeling, Varanasi, and Agra. Kolkata is a very busy place. We walked for hours and the crowds never cease! We got caught in a downpour (monsoon?) and had to splurge for a coffee to get out of the rain and dry off a bit, but it was definitely an India experience.

Anyways, time to eat and get off to the train station.

I hope everyone is doing well!!!

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