Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Had to share this one!

Also, it turns out Lance Armstrong is coming down under! And just in time for my birthday...


Friday, September 4, 2009

Lots of green and blue

This last weekend a friend of Kat's and mine, Chris, visited from Wellington. We did a quick tour of Sydney and then Chris and I set off for a few days in the Blue Mountains.

We hiked out to Mt Solitary, which is really a butte in the huge valley outside of Katoomba. The views from the top were stunning, and we made it there right at sunset. Unfortunately we didn't cover a lot of ground the first day since it took some time to travel from Sydney to the trailhead. So the second day was a bit of a long hike traversing the entire length of Mt Solitary and then across the valley floor back to Katoomba.

We managed a successful bushwack that cut off quite a bit of distance for us, but the vegetation was very thick and we both received a fair share of scratches - but thankfully no leeches!

We overnighted the second night at a fantastic hostel in Katoomba, the Flying Fox, and had a good sampling of as many Aussie beers the local pub had to offer. The next morning we went for a nice day hike around Wentworth Falls and found a number of spectacular waterfalls.

The season is definitely changing here as I saw plenty of flowers throughout the hikes! I even found a pine tree that produces flowers and another pine tree that had pea pods.